Todd Begg Knives

Todd’s interest in knives began at an early age. Todd’s love for knives resulted in his first successful attempt at creating one in 1983, when he was in junior high school.

When Todd was 20, he joined the military as an NBC Recon team member and found himself using tactical knives in the field on a daily basis, inspiring him to want to create knives that were functional, unique and aesthetically pleasing. He consumed everything he could about the construction, metals and materials and design of knives and credits Bob Loveless’s book, How To Make Knives, as the spark that lit the fire.

In 1998, Todd completed a Machine Shop Technology Program from San Juan College in Farmington, NM, and from there, noticed a dramatic improvement in his knife making skills, catapulting him into a new realm of knifemaking.

Today, Todd lives in Dallas Texas as full-time knifemaker. He also holds the position as a Board Director of the Knifemakers’ Guild along with other seats in various knife organizations.

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